This is for saturday,and my post timing and dates are wrong.
Today I work up kinda in a happy mood. Have not been emo for some time. Good right? Anyway,woke up late and went to watch my friend's band perform. His band name is Airtime and their drummer seriously sucks,I mean I drum better. haha. Actually the drummer is my friend so I give chance.

haha. bore-ed the rest of the day. Kinda happy in the night too.haha. Guess some of your know why.
I feel that the new pokeballs don't work that well
My pokeball sucks,I brought new ones.But WTH!!!! Can't pokeballs work properly. So now I want to buy ultraballs now.Hmm,I also brought death note at the $2 shop,but not working. Never buy things that cost $2 when they are suppose to cost $24.50. ERRRR!!! Then my Squall Leonheart ah,not even fighting properly.
So I want to take black and make it that
Here is my beating heart on my left hand,here is the dagger to stab my heart. I offer it to you,my fallen. Take it and stab it to your hearts content. Just remember I will come back heartless,no feelings,no pain. Its my destiny,its how it is suppose. I want go hide at a corner. Look at me,I want to have purple hair the covers the right side of my face.Like that guy in the pic.But he is a nobody and I seem to be one too,so ya I'm finding my somebody.To be real again.